We have had amazing people pioneer the way by fearlessly standing tall in the belief that not only can we all live in harmony but we are all connected, our fundamental needs and desires are all the same. Throughout time these mentors have started the conversation about the possibilities of PEACE. Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy are just some of the dedicated Legends that helped to highlight the necessity for Peace.
Even though these phenomenal people have passed on; their Intention to make this world a better place still exists. All over the world people are talking, lighting candles, and living their talk of Peace. People have gathered together physically and in thought to connect into the collective consciousness in order to fulfill the objective of bringing about Peace on Earth. A great person in my life once told me that, “All things can be solved in conversation! ALL Things.” Are you being included in this conversation?
We have created a group on facebook called, “Celebrating the PEACE of Legends!” http://groups.to/peacelegends/ All sorts of people in our past and present are creating a medium open to all interested in contributing to the REVELOUTION of Peace. It is not a movement because a movement will come to an end at some point. This Peaceful revelation will transform the earth as we know it.
I am writing this note today with the intention of helping you understand that the universe does not choose the qualified, it qualifies the chosen. You do not have to be a prophet, have a huge network, have barrels of money or become a martyr in order to make a difference. All you have to do is join the conversation. So weather you join our facebook group or any of the other great groups, attend a prayer rally, or light a candle in the name of Peace, this is your invitation to become a part of something much greater than anything we have ever known. Become Peace with in and as the Law of Attraction suggests that like attracts like by turning to Peace we receive more of the same. Please know that uniting in Peace and peaceful actions you are changing your world. Be the Change.....
Peace begins with me.
In all Humbleness.
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Peace In OUR Lifetime ~For YOUR free Peace Certificate Click http://www.planting-seeds.com/