Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Birthday’s are so much more fun with Facebook!

Before FB it was easier to slip under the radar when celebrating the day I was born! Now thanks to the ability to connect with people around the globe, people from around the world have taken the time to celebrate my life with me!

I am so very grateful for the video’s, notes, letters, and gifts that everyone has shared with me on my facebook wall and my mail box! My cell phone has also been ringing off the hook!
For someone who writes and shares inspiration every day... I cannot find the words to fully express my gratitude for all of the abundance in blessings and wishes that I have received over the last few days.

I love you all beyond measure. Thank YOU!

Wishing YOU Green Lights & Learning!
Most Humbly,

****** I have hit the Facebook Friend Limit of 5000 friends. It would be great to connect & learn more about YOU so I invite you link with me here: on my facebook page. I have created about 30 groups, pages & applications so I have a lot to share with you, I will do my very best to Inspire and Motivate YOU to live your full potential. Thank YOU... Feel free to share with me, more about YOU!

YOU can find me online here.........
Peace In OUR Lifetime
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Who Am I Talking To Now???

Have YOU heard? I have been able to do some amazing interviews with some of the leaders in the personal awareness and personal development. These following interviews are filled with priceless information that will inspire YOU to live your life on purpose. Feel free to share your comments and thoughts about the these Mentors in Leadership, Health, Positivity and Law of Attraction.

Free to Love, Free to Heal with Dr. David Simon
David Simon, M.D. is a world-renowned authority in the field of mind-body medicine. As a practicing physician, innovative researcher, and insightful teacher, David continues to expand his vision for an effective and compassionate healthcare system. More than three decades ago as an anthropology student exploring humanity’s earliest communities and cultures, he was drawn to the understanding that the role of the doctor was much more than a disease technician; a true healer had to be a diagnostician, medicine man, psychotherapist, and priest – an expert navigator of the mind and spirit as well as the physical body.

Integrating ancient wisdom healing traditions with modern scientific principles, David has forged a model of health that integrates the multiple dimensions of a human being – environmental, physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. As a board-certified neurologist and expert in Ayurvedic medicine and other traditional healing arts, he brings a unique perspective to the relationship between mind, emotions, and health.

Dr. Simon is the co-founder of the Chopra Center. To learn more about him please visit his website

Christian Simpson, The Science of Success: The IQ Myth

The Science of Success is a unique and powerful personal development program designed exclusively for individuals committed to improving results in every aspect of life by one of the world's most highly regarded professional coaches..Christian Simpson.

Contrary to popular belief, there is a Science to Success.
Incredibly, the subject isn't featured within the traditional education curriculum, structured to reward people for what they know, not what they do. Paradoxically, life rewards people for what do not what they know.

To make matters worse, the vast majority of adult and business education training initiatives are underpinned by the same archaic approach to learning, which assumes that IQ, an individual's intellectual, analytical, logical and rational abilities, is the primary intelligence that denotes success. It simply isn't so.

Einstein knew it. He told us that humanity "should take care not to make the intellect its God, it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality"

In this service-led, creative economy of the 21st century, success depends upon human intelligences beyond the intellect, the essential character traits responsible for drawing untapped potential into performance. Sadly, few people ever have the opportunity to understand and develop these aspects of their personality.

In this insightful and powerful teleseminar, internationally respected Leadership expert Christian Simpson discusses the IQ myth, and outlines the broader human intelligences that are fundamental to success in all aspects of modern life.
Christian will also share how you can empower yourself and develop these intelligences to create fundamental performance improvements in every aspect of your life in 2010.

Hemal Radia, Manifesting and The Law of Attraction

Hemal is a world class expert on Manifesting & Law of Attraction. He has been described as a “Super Coach” and is a speaker and soon-to-be author. He very elegantly simplifies the Law of Attraction and makes it very easy to understand and apply it, whether for those new to it or those advanced with it – he skilfully guides people into effectively tuning into their own abilities. He has been in the field for 15 years, starting out with NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and discovering that his love was about how we shape our reality with our thoughts and feelings - about what is within us that creates what is ‘out there’. When one tunes into themselves, they tune into all that they are and all that they want. One of his many quotes in particular typifies this, which is: “Find You and You Find Everything”

Happy for No Reason with Marci Shimoff

Marci Shimoff is the author of the runaway bestseller, Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out. Her book, which offers a revolutionary approach to lasting happiness, soared to #1 on Amazon and many other national bestseller list, and debuted at #2 on The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. It’s now been translated into 28 languages. The paperback has just been released and is making another splash on the bestseller lists.

Marci is also the host of the Happy for No Reason PBS special that has aired nationwide, and is a featured teacher in the hit film, The Secret. She is the woman’s face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history. Her books, including Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul, have met with stunning success, selling more than 13 million copies. She’s one of the bestselling female nonfiction authors of all time.

Marci is a professional speaker and one of the nation’s leading experts on happiness, success, and the law of attraction, She has inspired millions of people around the world and is dedicated to helping people live more empowered and joy-filled lives. Please join me in welcoming to our show today, Marci Shimoff.
To learn more about Marci, please visit her website

I would like to truly THANK YOU for BEing here to inspire me to life my life on purpose! I AM most grateful for your loving friendship and sharing.

Wishing YOU Green Lights & Learning!
Humbly Yours,

****** I have hit the Facebook Friend Limit of 5000 friends. It would be great to connect & learn more about YOU so I invite you link with me here: on my facebook page. I have created about 30 groups, pages & applications so I have a lot to share with you, I will do my very best to Inspire and Motivate YOU to live your full potential. Thank YOU... Feel free to share with me, more about YOU!

YOU can find me online here.........
Featured Contributor on
Peace In OUR Lifetime

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Martin Luther King..I Gotta Dream

Monday is the day that the United States come together every year to celebrate and reflect on the Legacy that one man created when he decided to step through the F.E.A.R. of the unknown to create a future that would benefit every human being. Martin Luther King Jr.(January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968) was arrested, his home was bombed, he was subjected to personal abuse, but at the same time he emerged as a Leader like no other.

“King traveled over six million miles and spoke over twenty-five hundred times, appearing wherever there was injustice, protest, and action; and meanwhile he wrote five books as well as numerous articles. In these years, he led a massive protest in Birmingham, Alabama, that caught the attention of the entire world, providing what he called a coalition of conscience. and inspiring his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail", a manifesto of the Negro revolution; he planned the drives in Alabama for the registration of Negroes as voters; he directed the peaceful march on Washington, D.C., of 250,000 people to whom he delivered his address, "l Have a Dream", he conferred with President John F. Kennedy and campaigned for President Lyndon B. Johnson; he was arrested upwards of twenty times and assaulted at least four times; he was awarded five honorary degrees; was named Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1963.”

Dr. King inspired people to become more than what they were. He painted a picture of what was possible and lead us all in the direction that would make it possible to turn his dream into a reality. I know that we are not 100% there yet, but reflecting back on his wisdom, strength and courage can inspire the world to stand united for Peace. We can work together to create solutions for all injustices and build upon the Dream that Martin Luther King had for our future.
When I was asked by my good friend Deremiah to create a video that would help us all celebrate the life and heritage of the amazing Martin Luther King, I was both honored and taken back by all of the trials that Dr. King had to endure. If I was in his shoes, would I have been able to withstand all that he had to endure? Could YOU?

He was 39 years old when he was assonated, his life was full…and he lived it so that WE all could enjoy the Rights, Freedoms and PRIVLEDGE of Standing Together in Peace.

Youtube Link:

In CELEBRATION of MLK Birthday Deremiah has released a soulful uptempo song which gives praise to the celebration of Dr. King's Dream. But the truth is we all have a Dream and that Dream looks different for all of us. MLK clearly helps us to recognize what that dream may look like across racial, cultural and religious lines. Deremiah's dream is to see War Cease and PEACE reset a new stage for world change. Sooo celebrate with us today as we usher in this US Holiday featuring Deremiah's debut song called I Gotta Dream. If you haven't heard it you've got to imagine the JOY of seeing the world at peace instead of war. Keep smiling and expecting your dream to come to pass because you gotta dream. Thanks for all you do in love.

***Peace is Possible watch for the picture of the children Hugging these children attend the Peace Preschool at the Jerusalem International YMCA where they continue to bring together 120 children Christians, Jews and Muslims, religious and secular, from home and abroad - in an atmosphere of peaceful coexistence.*****

YOU are invited to Join in the celebration by joining Deremiah's fan page...

If you LIKE this video YOU are encouraged to share it with others!

Thank YOU Martin Luther King for having the courage to STAND for Peace!
If you leave a comment underneath the song after you click mystore on the Fan Page it would serve as a great motivation to others who may want to buy it.

All purchases of the MP3 will include a donation of 20% that will go to At Risk Children. Thank you.
YOU can also download a Peace Certificate (free) like the one featured in this video by clicking on all that you need to do is add your Name and Country to receive your own uniquely numbered Peace Certificate.

On Behalf of Deremaih, Adena (from Peace Preschool), Lynne (Peace IN OUR Lifetime) and myself I wish YOU a day of Celebrating the Legacy of this outstanding man. Together…WE create the DREAM.
Humbly Yours,

Wishing YOU Green Lights & Learning!
Humbly Yours,

Co-founder of Peace In OUR Lifetime

****** I have hit the Facebook Friend Limit of 5000 friends. It would be great to connect & learn more about YOU so I invite you link with me here: on my facebook page. I have created about 30 groups, pages & applications so I have a lot to share with you, I will do my very best to Inspire and Motivate YOU to live your full potential. Thank YOU... Feel free to share with me, more about YOU!

YOU can find me online here.........
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Quoted peace from:

Stand for Peace


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